This privacy notice explains how Abbey Road Medical Practice uses your data when captured on CCTV.
Abbey Road Medical Practice has CCTV in operation at various sites, situated both inside and outside the premises. CCTV will capture images in real time wherever the cameras are pointed. These cameras may capture footage of you whilst you are on the premises. There are signs in place to inform you where cameras are in use.
Who will be using your data?
The practice manager, Ghazala Jarwar and GP partner, Dr Subir Sen will be the data controllers for the data you provide to us.
What personal data do we use?
- static and moving images of people
- vehicle registration numbers of staff and visitors ONLY
We do not deliberately set out to capture any special category personal data. However, cameras may incidentally record information which falls within these categories. Additionally, footage may be used as evidence regarding criminal offences or related security measures.
Why do we use your data?
- to ensure the health and safety of employees, service users and visitors to the sites
- to detect, prevent or reduce the incidence of crime
- to prevent and respond effectively to all forms of possible harassment and disorder
- to reduce the fear of crime
- to create a safer environment
- to provide emergency services assistance
What legal reasons allow us to use your data in this way?
Our legal basis for processing your personal data is:
- that it is necessary to meet a legal obligation
- that it is necessary to perform tasks in the public interest
- that we have a legitimate interest in processing this information
Our basis for processing special category persona data is:
- there is a substantial public interest in processing this information, for the purposes of detecting and preventing crime
Who may we share your data with or receive it from?
Sometimes we need to share your information with others. We will only do this when it is necessary, or if we are required to do so by law. We do not plan to share it with anyone else or use it for anything else. When it is necessary, we may disclose footage to specific partners.
We may be asked to provide footage to assist the police with any criminal damage or their investigations. We may also be asked for footage from insurance companies should there be an incident involving car accidents or damage to cars parked on our premises.
However, there is no planned regular or scheduled sharing of CCTV footage with any external organisation. Should this situation change, this privacy notice will be updated and reissued, to keep you fully aware of how the practice plans to use CCTV footage which you may be captured in.
CCTV footage will only be processed internally by practice staff who are authorised to do so.
From time to time CCTV on entry points to the premises may be used for monitoring purposes, to see if there are any issues with security or access. At no time will individuals be the focus of this monitoring.
May personal data be transferred overseas?
No data captured by CCTV will be transferred overseas.
How long is your data kept for?
Images captured by CCTV will not be kept for longer than 48 hours. However, on occasion there may be a need to keep images for longer, for example where a crime is being investigated.
Contact the Data Protection Officer
If you have any concerns about how the practice is using your data, you can contact the Data Protection Officer by writing to [email protected]
Or Call 0800 917 8607, Monday to Friday between 09:00- 17:00
Contact details of the Information Commissioners’ Office
If you are unhappy with how your data has been processed by the practice or you feel your data protection rights have been breached, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office at:
Wycliffe House
Water Lane